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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

how to get fat on your birthday

This is Tucker Boy's birthday week.  I mean, the dude was born. That's a big deal.

So, in honor of a starving 15 year old to be, I have some ideas on how on earth to satiate the biggest appetite I've seen in years, months, decades, and years. I think it all goes straight to his pecs. Punk.

Can I make a quick suggestion? I suggest you adopt a coupon email address. Where all of your signed up for goodies go to live in peace until you decide they are worthy. Where they will steer clear of your library circulation notices and your forwards from Aunt Betty. Consider it your freebie Utopia. You will thank me later and send me love letters.

And now it's time to put on your fat pants. Here we go.

Holy cow. These people mean business. You get to sign yourself up, and THEN you get to sign your kids up for their birthday. And did you know that after you stuff yourself full of happy face pancakes, you can tell them it's your kid's birthday, and they'll bring you an ice cream sundae? At 6:47 in the morning? And then you get to drop them off at school? Best parent ever.

Noodles and Co.
After you go blind from your morning carbs, you'll need more carbs. Noodles and Co. have some of those.
And they adore you, so they want to give you a free noodle bowl that day. You're welcome.

Sign up for their email list, and you'll get a free chips and queso. This will help with the coma.

Ben and Jerry's
It's called ChunkMail. What do you want from me?

Dairy Queen
You'll get a monthly offer and coupon. And on your birthday? A free Blizzard. (I feel woozy.)

Honorable mentions that will come in handy eventually:

Tokyo Joes
You have to be an addict to sign up. They will give you a fob that you can pick up at your local restaurant. This will sign you up for possible free lunches (they choose 3 a day, every day and it's placed on a calendar on their website) and specials through email that only your fob knows about.

Chik Fil A
It's a privilege to know you, Chik Fil A.

Treats on your birthday. And other times. I love Sonic.

And there you have it. Oh, and click on the yellow underlined highlighted names of the restaurants. It'll save you on postage.

I am no longer responsible for you.


  1. Sorry. They are not all underlined. But they are all yellow.
    I tried.

  2. Baskin Robbins will give a free icecream to every person in your family on their birthday if you sign up on their website... and you get a pretty good discount on icecream cakes for each birthday too! The coupons come to your email a couple weeks before each persons' big day.

  3. I am not sure why it's calling me Megan Graves Photography... just so you know I didn't put that on purpose :0)

  4. Nice. Thanks Megan Graves Photography.
    Now we all just got a little bit happier!!

  5. Hey, one more! It's not going to make you fat for your birthday, but it is for birthdays! If you sign up your kid for the Geoffery Club at Toys R Us, they'll get a free gift every year until they're 10. And if you take them to the store on their birthday they get a paper crown, a balloon, and they announce your kid's birthday over the intercom :0) Now I can't vouch for how good the gifts are, but hey... it's free... for 10 years!


  6. love this. thanks for helping me with the young ones crowd... I'm in teenagerville!!
