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Friday, October 8, 2010

coupon junkie

I love grocery shopping. Like, I want to marry it.
And I love coupons. Sometimes I almost pass out I get so excited about them.
I didn't always like coupons. They actually seemed like a giant pain in the butt and a huge waste of time. Every once in a while I'd get really inspired and clip a few, and then find them 2 and a half years later in the purse I used to go to that one wedding. Whatever.
But now...
It's like a sport. It's like a treasure hunt.
Okay, it's like a necessity.

Here's the thing. You have to have a place to start. And I'm going to give you a few of those places. We're going to start off easy and build the options over time. Otherwise your head might explode.

1. Sunday paper coupons. Obvious, I know, but shocking things live in there. I actually get mine for free from a local coffee shop. Of course, I ask for them, and then there is that look they give me before nodding okay, and then the blatant pointing and laughing, but I basically just walked off with at least 25 bucks. You can pay the $1.25 if you want to.  Your choice.

2. The internet. God bless the internet. You will not believe what you will be able to do with your printer and a Sunday afternoon. Or a Monday. Or an entire Saturday.

3. Grocery store websites. Check them out weekly. They have their weekly ads and in store coupons on there, and places like Safeway and King Soopers (and I'm sure many others) now have a way for you to download their coupons directly onto your club card, so when you swipe it or type in your phone number at check out, the coupon is automatically deducted from your total.

Here are some very important things to remember.
1. Many stores double coupons. Go there.

2. If you have an in store coupon, you can also use a manufacturer coupon. This can make some items free, or close to it.

3. Plan a weekly menu around what's on sale.

4. A few minutes goes a long way. If you can't sit down and gather your coupons all at once, check out a site or two a day. Click and print and you've made a few bucks. And if you have youngish kids, you could surely use the help cutting, and they could surely use the practice.

Let me give you a few places to browse. Make yourself at home on these sites. Then I will get back to you on how I saved over $60 on yesterday's grocery shopping trip.

sunday paper inserts
coupons.com (try the zip codes 33313, 90210 and your local zip code. you can get a lot of variety)
target.com (coupons are located on the home page, about halfway down... there's a little red shopping cart icon) you can use these with manufacturer coupons like the ones on coupons.com which makes many grocery and clothing and household items free
safeway.com (ads and coupons available)
kingsoopers.com (ads and coupons available)
wholefoods.com (coupons available)

These are obviously all grocery store websites local to my area, but the same thing should be available in your own cities.

Tomorrow, I will post our weekly meal plan, and the ways I used my coupons. And then I'll start to show you how to save on eating out, get some free meals, and websites that give freebies and samples daily. Those are my favorite.

Oh, and here's a little treat. There will be so many more like this. My kids' stockings are almost already full from these little deals, and I haven't spent a penny. Except on printer toner. Don't tell Brad.

click here for your treat

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